Garner, R. Article. Endangered Species Act Precedents: Infectious Disease Risk as Harassment and SARS-CoV-2, February 2023.
Garner, R, and Monesmith, C. Article. The COMPETES Act Lacey Amendment: What Exotic Animal Industries Need to Know, March 2022.
Garner, R. Article. Deconstructing “Model Legislation on Licensure of Dog Trainers” and its Impact on the Dog Training Industry. November 2021.
Garner, R. A Census of Federally Regulated Big Cat Populations within the United States as of December 2020. J. Zool. Bot. Gard. 2021, 2, 517-530.
Garner, R. Legislation Breakdown - H.R. 1380 The Big Cat Public Safety Act. September 2020.
Matson-Wagner, J, and Garner, R. Report. COVID-19: Zoo Industry Impact and Considerations. March 2020.
Garner, R. (2019) “The NonHuman Rights Project: The Possibility of Elephant “Personhood” is Crucial to Consider” Grey Matters, Vol 30, Issue 30.
Garner, R. (2018). Media claims about the tiger population in the United States are frequently exaggerated, Why Animals Do The Thing
Garner, R. (2018). Are There Tens Of Thousands Of Big Cats In American Backyards?, Why Animals Do The Thing.
Garner, R. (2018). Big Cat Safety Issues In The United States: 2000 - 2018, Why Animals Do The Thing.
Garner, R. (2017). Who are the USDA Class C exhibitors?, Why Animals Do The Thing.
Garner, R. (2017). How many zoos are there in the United States?, Why Animals Do The Thing.
Web Content
Why Zoos (And Zookeepers) Do The Thing; Substack Newsletter (2021 - current)
Why Animals Do The Thing; Tumblr blog (2015 - 2020, 2022 - current)
Podcast Segments
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “A Conversation About the Census of Federally Regulated Big Cat Populations within the United States as of December 2020,” Exactly How Many Big Cats ARE in the US?, Zoo Logic Podcast. October 21, 2021.
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “2018 Highlights,” Zoo Logic’s 2018 Year End Review, Zoo Logic Podcast. December 27, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “Happy Habeas Corpus,” Training Should Be Fun!, Zoo Logic Podcast. November 22, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “Billy the Elephant,” Pets For Vets, Zoo Logic Podcast. November 15, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “Court Filings,” There’s No Public Opinion Tooth Fairy, Zoo Logic Podcast. October 10, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “J50 Update,” What Rugby Teaches About Life, Better Zoos, and Saving Animals, Zoo Logic Podcast. September 27, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “United States Tiger Population Numbers,” Zoos and Aquariums: “Our Time is Now!”, Zoo Logic Podcast. July 12, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “Legislative Update,” Wear a Wetsuit to Work, Zoo Logic Podcast. June 28, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. “Michigan Carnivore Legislation,” Dr. Kelly Jaakkola and the Role of Science in the Debate Over the Need for Zoos, Zoo Logic Podcast. May 16, 2018
Garner, R. Guest Contributor. The Big Cat Public Safety Act,” Carolyn “Mob Lawyer” Hennesy’s Journey to Animal Advocate (Part 1) Zoo Logic Podcast. May 16, 2018
Armstrong, E. E., Mooney, J. A., Solari, K. A., Kim, B. Y., Barsh, G. S., Grant, V. B., ... & Hadly, E. A. (2023). Unraveling the Genomic Diversity and Admixture History of Captive Tigers in the United States. bioRxiv, 2023-06. Preprint.
Sara Singh, Doctoral Dissertation, “A Comparative Analysis of Wildlife Conservation in the US and India”, Tufts University (2023).
Janice Vaz, Thesis, “Application of interdisciplinary approaches to improve the welfare of big cats.” Western Sydney University (2022)
Maya G. Sanaba, Article, “USDA vs. AZA: Playing with Tiger Cubs Isn't All It's Cracked up to Be” 48 J. Corp. L. 407 (2022-2023)
Virginia C. Thomas, Column, “Roadside Zoo - A term in search of legal definition?” Michigan Bar Journal (2022)
Dana Mirsky, Note, “Very Complex Questions”: Zoos, Animals, and the Law 46 WM. & MARY ENV’T L. & POL’Y REV. 217 (2021)
Megan Edwards, Article, “All Dogs Get Regulatory Protection—And This Means Wolves Too: Extending Species- Specific Animal Welfare Act Protections” Pace Environmental Law Review (2020)
Rebecca L. Jodidio, “The Animal Welfare Act is Lacking: How to Update the Federal Statute To Improve Zoo Welfare”,12 GOLDEN GATE U. ENVTL. L.J. 53 (2020).
Emily Jenks, Comment, “The Bear Necessities: Why Captive Exhibited Animals Need Stronger Regulation Based On Their Species-Specific Biological Needs”, 2019 MICH. ST. L. REV. 1081 (2019)
Allyson R. Coyne, Note, “Orcas, and Tigers, and Painted Dogs Oh My! The Need for Targeted Zoo Safety and Security Regulation”, 2019 U. ILL. L. Rev. 801 (2019)
Simon J. Williams, Note, “Unsafe Havens: Improving Third-Party Accreditation of Wildlife Sanctuaries.” 93 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1351 (2018)
Lilly Burba, Thesis, “A Home for Hope: Examining the History, Role and Purpose of the Modern American Zoo” Scholarly and Creative Work from DePauw University (2018)