Independent, reproducible, and thorough academic research projects.


“Researching topics people never thought about, then answering questions they never knew they had.”

When a critical question needs to be answered in a complicated field, sometimes the only solution is to conduct independent research in order to address it. When approaching a research project, I examine a large body of evidence, identify novel information on the topic, and determine the veracity of relevant claims about the issue. My work includes both original data collection and synthesis as well as analysis of existing data.

My long-form research articles substantially add to the current understanding of topics relevant to exotic animal management and welfare in the United States. I currently research and publish on topics such as industry function, federal regulation, federal and state legislation, and current litigation. I publish my work in a variety of formats, as appropriate for the project and intended audience, including but not limited to: academic peer-review, trade organization magazines, and my Substack newsletter.

Demonstrated skills and capabilities include:

  • Assessing a complex topic to determine the best avenues of inquiry

  • Designing study methodology for collecting novel data

  • Determining credibility and applicability of disparate sources

  • Reading and analyzing peer-reviewed academic literature, field-specific articles, and technical documents

  • Navigating online databases, modern library resources, and interviews with subject-area experts

  • Accurately translating complex, jargon-filled academic text into accessible, approachable language with clear conclusions

  • Experienced at navigating the academic peer-review submission and publication process

Looking for a researcher for your project?
Please contact me - I’d love to hear from you. 

Examples of completed projects:

Ongoing projects:

  • A comparative analysis of all zoological and sanctuary accreditation standards within the United States.

  • Analysis of all state code and state-level regulations impacting zoo, aquarium, and sanctuary function.

  • Identification of the number and type of regulated zoological facilities in the United States.